The flip side of this excitement is the fact that all the Christmas festivities remind me of the excitement of last Christmas as Kathy and I planned this one. The anticipation of buying gifts for our son, the scheduling of whose family we see when, and thinking of gift ideas--not just for Micah but for a new mother and father. All of these things are gone along with the person I loved Christmas shopping for the most.
I would spend months looking for the perfect gift for Kathy. Every year Kathy would tell me not to spend more then $50 on her, but by then I was well over that and still looking for more. Last year was the first time Kathy ever surprised me with a Christmas present. I had been hinting at wanting a electric toothbrush. When I opened my stocking I found my usual two pack of toothbrushes (manual not electric) so I figured either she really could not catch a hint or she thought electric toothbrushes were just lazy. As we exchanged gifts I got pretty much what I thought (I only gave her a few ideas so I was sure to get them) but then there was another package. I knew it was something special because Kathy got out the camera. It was my electric toothbrush. Kathy was beaming! She had planned out the whole charade. I do miss that smile. I even miss the angry and pouty faces too.
I don't plan on leaving you on such a cheer-sucking, happy-draining thought so I am adding a bunch of pictures as a Christmas present to Micah's loyal following. I hope you enjoy.
The wrapping is better then the present inside.
I love ChristmasA pair of teeth in exchange for a pair of pantsI am a very busy boy Dinner with the Whitley Clan Uncle's favorite feet I'm seeing stars
I really love Christmas
My Christmas outfit Duckies everywhereMicah just cracks himself up
I really love Christmas
My Christmas outfit Duckies everywhereMicah just cracks himself up
Finally I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas. Even though I feel my life is pretty unfair right now, I am still Joyful knowing that God loved me enough to send His son to live a hard human life and eventually die for my sins. How can I not be thankful? May you remember that toys break, clothes fade, money gets spent, but love never fails. Give love!!!