Wednesday, December 24, 2008

So this is Christmas...

It is Christmas Eve so I thought I would drop you all a line. I don't quite know how I feel. (Disclaimer: People under 18 should not read the next part) I am excited because I get to be Santa for the first time! (Hopefully everyone already is a part of that big secret. If not, you're over 18 and you are way too sheltered and gullable.) The Robison clan has a tradition of having a banana, an apple, and an orange in the stocking. They are in there to remind us to be thankful for everything we have. I almost blew this by forgetting to go to the store. Luckily my sister in law was nice enough to pick up the fruit for me.

The flip side of this excitement is the fact that all the Christmas festivities remind me of the excitement of last Christmas as Kathy and I planned this one. The anticipation of buying gifts for our son, the scheduling of whose family we see when, and thinking of gift ideas--not just for Micah but for a new mother and father. All of these things are gone along with the person I loved Christmas shopping for the most.
I would spend months looking for the perfect gift for Kathy. Every year Kathy would tell me not to spend more then $50 on her, but by then I was well over that and still looking for more. Last year was the first time Kathy ever surprised me with a Christmas present. I had been hinting at wanting a electric toothbrush. When I opened my stocking I found my usual two pack of toothbrushes (manual not electric) so I figured either she really could not catch a hint or she thought electric toothbrushes were just lazy. As we exchanged gifts I got pretty much what I thought (I only gave her a few ideas so I was sure to get them) but then there was another package. I knew it was something special because Kathy got out the camera. It was my electric toothbrush. Kathy was beaming! She had planned out the whole charade. I do miss that smile. I even miss the angry and pouty faces too.
I don't plan on leaving you on such a cheer-sucking, happy-draining thought so I am adding a bunch of pictures as a Christmas present to Micah's loyal following. I hope you enjoy.

The wrapping is better then the present inside.
I love ChristmasA pair of teeth in exchange for a pair of pantsI am a very busy boy Dinner with the Whitley Clan Uncle's favorite feet I'm seeing stars
I really love Christmas
My Christmas outfit Duckies everywhereMicah just cracks himself up

Finally I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas. Even though I feel my life is pretty unfair right now, I am still Joyful knowing that God loved me enough to send His son to live a hard human life and eventually die for my sins. How can I not be thankful? May you remember that toys break, clothes fade, money gets spent, but love never fails. Give love!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Funniest thing ever!!!

You all have to go to Mark and Janet's blog. I laughed so hard. If you don't know how to get to it there is a link on my blog. If this don't make you at least smile, there is no hope for you and you are dead inside. Make sure you turn the volume down at work or invite your boss in to watch it with you. Enjoy