Monday, October 19, 2009

Here are the pics, (captions by Micah)

Daddy won't let me play with his flowers.
Someone left a mess. I should clean it up.
Lets dump them again.
I can't do the slips in these pants.
If I kick this will it roll down the stairs? More importantly, can Daddy get to me before I do?

I can stay awake for the partyzzzzz

Sunday, October 18, 2009

My son is so cute!

This weekend two of my friends got married and they thought a wedding full of kids would be a great idea. (Man I wish there was a sarcastic font.) One of those lucky kids was our very own Micah. He was one of the two ring bearers and this is the story of "The Bearer of the Rings: The Two Toddlers (obvious J.R.R. Tolkien reference).
The events started Friday night with rehearsal. Micah was wonderful. Every time we practiced, he ran down the isle straight to the groom. Lets call him Tim. Tim would pick Micah up and give him a big hug. Then Micah would get down and walk to me and I would go sit him down. I was a groomsmen, so he didn't have to walk far. It was the cutest thing I have ever seen in a wedding ever. The other ring bearer was not as happy about his roll to play in this wedding.
Well, the big day came and we had pictures from 12 to 1:30. Little side note, Micah's nap time usually starts somewhere between 12 and 1:30. So we are taking pictures and he does fine. We practice running down the isle a couple of more times. My mistake was doing these practices back to back, you will see why in a second.
So 2:00 hits, Micah is a little cranky at this time but not bad, and the wedding is about to start. I walk down the isle with the bride's (lets call her Heather) youngest sister and take my place at the front. Then they open the doors for the ring bearers. Everyone is standing so I can't see Micah but I can hear the Ohhs and Ahhs from the crowd. Micah comes up to the front with the other little boy, gives Tim the pillow and turns around to do it again (just like we practised Dad). By this time the flower girls are dropping leaves. It was a Fall theme. Micah, acting on instinct decides to help these little girl pick up their mess. He started picking up the leaves and tried to put them back in the basket. Luckily his grandma was there to whisk him away. I know that Tim and Heather will probably find the rest of the ceremony the main event, but for me, my son's attempt to help clean up was the highlight of the day. Now if we can just transfer that home it will be great. Maybe I should have him clean up in a tux at home.
I know what a lot of you are thinking. "Where are the picture?"
You will just have to tune in to our next issue of Micah's Chronicle. It will be a picture packed installment.
Until then, let people know that you cherish them and that they have meaning in your life. They need to know!